Thursday, December 6, 2012

More Things I found in the Trash

 On my way home the other day I noticed a large group of people gathered across the street from my house. The neighbors across the street were being evicted, and the landlord was throwing everything that was in the house away. Most of the good stuff, T.V.' s, an entertainment center, a record player, and speakers  were already claimed by the people of the neighborhood who had gotten there before me. I sat on my porch and watched as people scrambled to get as much stuff as they could, and the majority of items that had been thrown out now belonged to some one else. I waited a few hours until it got dark before I made my way over, there was still a huge pile of trash and this is what I found. The glass jar I'm going to use as an art project, I'm going to make a candle holder out of it. The rug is just one of many that I found that night, it sits on the landing going down into my basement. The fun thing about discarded carpet is making a floor with mis-matched pieces perfect for a basement that's dirty anyways. The last item that I found was a cake pan, I have a sister in law that makes different kinds of cakes, and I thought she might want it, if not its metal so it will go in the scrap pile for a bit of cash. So you might be wondering why I'm writing about this junk that I found and how it relates. Well the trash pile that I picked through the left overs, is still sitting there two days later, which is not uncommon in my neighborhood, and will most likely sit there for awhile. The way I see it if it's going to end up in a land fill I might as well use it. Whats the point of paying to carpet my basement when its just going to get nasty anyway, and most of the carpet I find is just scraps left over from a carpet job anyway. The other reason I bring up this situation is because of the community response to the people being evicted. They saw an opportunity for free stuff and took advantage over it, and aggressively too. People were shouting at each other as they called friends with vehicles to haul stuff away. The amount of things people accumulate, and then throw away is something to take advantage of. No one gets evicted by surprise, the people who lived at that house more than likely had ample time to get their stuff, and if they didn't want it other people do.

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