Monday, December 10, 2012

Semester's end

So now that the semester is at its end, I'am left with a few mixed feelings about this project. I have enjoyed the creative aspect of this assignment, but I don't think I'm very good at it. I had a lot of fun with the field study part  of this project, I was able to go out at night and pick through the trash for school. This assignment made me keep up with the ongoing project that is my basement, and I was able to find so much stuff to put down there. I think that I will keep up with my dumpster diving habits, because of how much fun it is, but I don't think I will keep up with my blog posts on a regular basis. I plan to leave this web site up for people to check out, and maybe I'll come back to it eventually.  I really enjoyed writing the responses to the readings we had for this project, I think Bill McKibben is an excellent author and I'm looking forward to reading more of his books.

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